You Only Pay When We Win
Our client Wendy was badly hurt after an 18 wheeler ran a stop sign, leading to a nearly fatal truck accident. As a result of the accident, Wendy shattered both of her knees and suffered from serious neck and back injuries. Her injuries left Wendy unable to walk, unable to work, and unable to look after her home and loved ones. Our Texas truck accident lawyers at VB Attorneys helped Wendy fight the insurance company, get the medical care she needed, and secure the compensation she rightly deserved.
After a long day at work, Wendy was at home cooking supper for her loved ones when she realized she needed a bag of ice. Wendy set a timer, popped her cornbread in the oven, and made her way to a nearby convenience store. It was on her way there that an 18 wheeler failed to make a stop at an intersection, causing Wendy’s SUV to collide with the large truck just behind its fuel tank.
Wendy did everything that she could to avoid hitting the 18 wheeler, slamming on her breaks with such force that her foot was bruised for several weeks after the accident. Wendy was traveling approximately forty miles per hour when the 18 wheeler blocked her pathway, causing the accident. The force from the impact left Wendy with two shattered knee caps and ruptured discs in her spine, resulting in partial paralysis.
Before her accident, Wendy was an avid hunter and angler, hobbies that she enjoyed with her grandchildren. She was employed full-time and spent most of her spare time tending to her garden and caring for her forty-nine chickens and pet horse, Daisy. Today, Wendy is unable to work, has had to sell most of her chickens, and lives in chronic pain, struggling to complete even the most basic everyday tasks.
The injuries from her accident with the 18 wheeler left her unable to walk for several months. As she began to heal, she was able to gain some mobility using crutches. Even today, Wendy struggles with her immobility and carries a cane to help her get around the house. Because of her injuries, Wendy was burdened with what seemed to be insurmountable medical bills from surgeries and various medical treatments. As well as other expenses, like hired help who could help her tend to her animals and land.
Wendy’s quality of life has been completely derailed by her truck accident. Since her crash with the 18 wheeler, Wendy has undergone several medical procedures, countless physical therapies, painful cortisone injections on her knees, and major neck surgery and spinal fusion. Wendy’s medical bills amounted to nearly three hundred thousand dollars, not including her future medical needs.
Founding partner of VB Attorneys and experienced Texas truck accident lawyer Vuk Vujasinovic mediated her case and secured a confidential settlement that will provide Wendy with the financial safety net she needs to pay her past, present, and future medical bills.
At VB Attorneys, our experienced truck accident lawyers know what it takes to take on big insurance companies. Our law firm has over 40 years of experience fighting against big 18 wheeler companies, and we’ve recovered millions in compensation for our clients. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident caused by an 18 wheeler, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. Click here to contact us immediately or call 713-224-7800 to receive your free and confidential case evaluation.