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My Spouse Was Injured In a Maritime Accident—What Should We Do?

Brian Beckcom

Brian Beckcom


Maritime careers can offer many benefits for both employees and their families. The prospect of a well-paying salary, travel opportunities, medical coverage, and an exciting work environment appeals to many people. But with opportunity comes risk. Simply put, maritime jobs can be dangerous.

The lives of maritime workers and their families are already difficult on many levels, but what happens when a workplace injury is also thrown into the mix? 

The Aftermath of a Maritime Injury

As the spouse of a maritime worker, we know that you already have a lot on your shoulders. Service contracts often mean seafarers are away at work for months at a time, meaning that most of the responsibilities of the household and the health and education of your children fall on you. 

When your spouse is injured in a maritime accident, they deserve prompt medical attention and time to recover in the hospital or at home. Employers of the injured workers have a responsibility to facilitate this recovery, but often they do not. Many employers expect injured employees to return to work as usual and may threaten to fire workers if they try to ask for more time off to recover. 

This places enormous stress on the whole family as worry builds over the well-being of the injured spouse, medical bills rack up, and the time needed to recover results in lost wages and possible termination. 

The Jones Act Can Help Maritime Families 

Right now you may be researching day and night trying to figure out how to help your injured spouse and family. It’s important to know that your loved one has rights and protections under the Jones Act. This is a federal statute that provides injured maritime workers with health care coverage for work-related injuries or illnesses. 

Through the Jones Act, workers are provided maintenance and care coverage. Maintenance and cure coverage includes income supplements and covers medical expenses for injured maritime workers.

Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer or Maritime Lawyer?

Jones Act cases can be complicated. At VB Attorneys we have the advantage of being personal injury lawyers who specialize in Jones Act and maritime law and will be able to explain your rights to you and ensure that you receive the care you need.

Injured workers are not obligated to pay a penny towards their recovery, nor should they have to deal with insurance companies.

Our attorneys have a tried and true formula for Jones Act lawsuit settlements. Over the years, we have worked with countless injured maritime and offshore workers to ensure their rights were protected and their cases were successful.

Our Maritime Lawyers Can Help

At VB Attorneys, we are widely considered to be one of the nation's most respected Jones Act maritime law firms. We have worked with countless injured maritime workers to take the burden off of them and their families. We will walk you through the entire legal process and help you make the best decision for your future. Contact us to schedule your free and confidential consultation with our maritime lawyers.