You Only Pay When We Win
More injuries and fatalities are caused by cranes than any other equipment on construction sites.
Year after year, Texas ranks near the top of the list in the number of crane related deaths. The leading causes of crane related incidents are electrocutions, crane collapses, and workers being struck by crane booms or loads.
Following a crane incident, it is very important to begin the investigation as soon as possible. More and more we’re finding that OSHA and other government agencies just simply don’t have the funding to conduct thorough investigations. That’s why the first thing we do when we’re hired in crane-related cases is to get a temporary restraining order to freeze any and all investigations.
We actually file a temporary restraining order in your crane injury lawsuit for two reasons:
So, through this court order, we’re able to make sure that our crane experts have a seat at the table along with the OSHA investigators and the company representatives. We have helped workers who have been injured when the world’s largest crane collapsed, workers who have been killed due to unsafe operation of boom lifts and cranes, and workers who have been injured due to other crane safety failures.
If you have been injured in a crane-related incident on land or on the water, please give us a call at 877- 724-7800. We look forward to helping you.