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The Risks of Social Media in Personal Injury Cases

Written by Brian Beckcom | 03/13/2023

Social media has become a powerful tool in the process of investigating and proving personal injury claims. However, there are dangers that individuals should be aware of before they use social media when they are involved in such cases. Knowing the risks can help claimants protect themselves and maximize their chances of success in injury-related legal proceedings. In this article, we'll explore the role of social media in personal injury claims and discuss what individuals should avoid doing when it comes to their online presence.

The Role of Social Media in Personal Injury Claims

Social media has become a valuable resource for lawyers when investigating and proving personal injury claims. With the increasing use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms, lawyers can search for evidence to support a claim or refute opposing counsel's arguments. Photos, videos, and posts can all be used to build a stronger case by establishing the circumstances leading up to an accident or documenting the extent of any injuries sustained.

What to Avoid Posting on Social Media

It's important for individuals to understand that they should not make any posts or publish any photos or videos that could damage their case. Posts about one's activities before an accident may be used as evidence against them; likewise, posts discussing any injuries may be used to challenge an individual's claim that those injuries were caused by the particular accident in question. It's also important to remember that photos and videos posted online are public information that can be accessed by anyone—including lawyers representing opposing parties—so it's best to avoid posting anything related to one's personal injury case altogether.

The Impact of Third-Party Posts

Another key factor for claimants to understand is how third-party posts can affect their case. Friends and family members who post comments on social media about an individual’s injury or actions leading up to the incident (even if those comments are intended as expressions of support) could potentially be used against them in court proceedings. Therefore, it’s important for individuals involved in personal injury cases to caution others close to them about avoiding making statements on social media that may reflect negatively upon their situation.

Recommendations for Social Media Use

For those thinking about filing a personal injury claim, there are several steps they can take when using social media during the process:

- Avoid making any posts related to their case

- Delete old posts which could be damaging if discovered by opposing counsel

- Ask friends and family members not to post anything related to their case on social media

- Be mindful of the privacy settings associated with their accounts; some settings allow non-friends or followers access so it’s important for individuals involved in a personal injury lawsuit to review these settings regularly

Let Our Houston Personal Injury Attorneys Help

Overall, it is important for individuals considering filing a personal injury claim to have an understanding of all the risks associated with using social media before taking legal action. By following the recommendations in this article, individuals can protect themselves from inadvertently harming their own chances in court proceedings while continuing to benefit from all the advantages that come with using social media networks today. If you have been injured in an accident, do not hesitate to contact our personal injury attorneys today at (713) 224-7800.