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The High Risks Associated with Working in the Fishing Industry

Written by Vuk Vujasinovic | 05/12/2021

Working in the fishing industry has been consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous, and at times deadly, occupations. Workers in the fishing industry regularly face unique-life threatening hazards. Many fishing companies detail the dangerous conditions aboard fishing vessels on their websites, especially when recruiting new employees. Companies not only have the obligation to detail the nature of the work to prospective clients but they are required to warn new employees on the dangers of working in the fishing industry.

Both the US Coast Guard and Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) agree that offshore fishing and seafood processing positions are extremely high risk. The Coast Guard has strict regulations for offshore fish processing vessels solely because they recognize the severity of the conditions that the fishermen and crewmembers are exposed to.

Fishing companies typically describe how when fishermen and crewmen work on their vessels, they can expect to work in remote locations that have difficult conditions including cold, wet, and noisy environments. Living conditions at sea are cramped, the work shifts are long, filled with tedious tasks, long periods of standing, repetitive movements, and lots of lifting heavy objects.

What most fishing companies do not detail are the potential injuries associated with the risks faced when working on a fishing vessel. In a study conducted by the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, musculoskeletal injuries were found to be the leading injury among fishing vessels. Some injuries, such as serious back injuries, intracranial injuries, and finger crushing or amputations, had the potential to lead to disability yet were quite common among crew members on fishing vessels.

We Are Here to Help.

At VB Attorneys, we have extensive experience working with injured workers covered under the Jones Act. We take pride in our ability to guide injured workers to receive the care and compensation that they deserve.

Federal maritime law and the Jones Act are extremely complicated. Only a handful of law firms and lawyers across the country handle these types of complex cases and have a track record of success when it comes to helping injured mariners get the compensation they deserve for their Jones Act claims.

Who you hire as your maritime lawyer may be the most important decision you make. It can be the difference between a small settlement and a large settlement, between a quick settlement or a case that drags on for years until a verdict is reached.

As one of the leading lawyers in the country handling injured mariners, Brian Beckcom and the maritime lawyers at VB Attorneys are often called by injured offshore workers for help and have handled multiple cases against the largest maritime and offshore companies.

Please call us at 877-724-7800 or contact us today for your free and confidential case evaluation.